- Name: Sebastian
- Surname: Ventura Soto
- Affiliation/Institution: Universidad de Córdoba
- Last roles in CBMS: General Chair 2019
- Bio:
Sebastián Ventura is professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Universidad de Córdoba. He also holds the positions of Affiliated Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, USA).
Dr. Ventura has published more than 125 articles in prestigious journals, and around 200 articles in books (conferences and book editions), and he has also been author and/or co-editor of several books on his areas of expertise, as well as guest editor of special issues in JCR-indexed journals.
He has also been principal investigator in 7 research projects. It should also be noted that, in the last 5 years, he has advised 12 doctoral theses. Furthermore, he has serve in the organization of several international conferences in different positions: general and program chair, member of the program and local committee.
He also has reviewed several prestigious international journals and, currently, he belongs to the editorial board of PeerJ Computer Science, Information Fusion and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journals, being also associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and editor-in-chief of Progress in Artificial Intelligence.