- Name: KC
- Surname: Santosh
- Affiliation/Institution: University of South Dakota, USA
- Last roles in CBMS: General Chair 2020; Special Track Chair 2021; General Chair 2022
- Bio:
Prof. Santosh is the Chair of the Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of South Dakota (USD). Prof. Santosh also serves International Medical University, Malaysia as an Adjunct Professor (Full). Prior to that, Prof. Santosh worked as a research fellow at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH). He worked as a postdoctoral research scientist at the LORIA research centre, Universite de Lorraine in direct collaboration with industrial partner, ITESOFT, France. He also served as a research scientist at the INRIA Nancy Grand Est research centre, France where he has received his PhD diploma in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence. His research projects (with $2m+) are funded by multiple agencies, such as SDCRGP, State of SD, Department of Education (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF) and Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD). Prof. Santosh serves as an academic editor for PeerJ Computer Science, and associate editor for multiple journals, such as International Journal of Machine Learning & Cybernetics (Springer), Advances in Computational Intelligence (Springer), and IEEE Access. Prof. Santosh chaired more than 10 international conference events in the domain, and he founded/organized four international conferences in the domain: artificial intelligence, data science and computer vision. To name a few, Prof. Santosh is the proud recipient of the Cutler Award for Teaching and Research Excellence (USD, 2021), the President’s Research Excellence Award (USD, 2019) and the Ignite Award from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS, 2014).