Bridget Kane
- Name: Bridget
- Surname: Kane
- Affiliation/Institution: Karlstad University Business School
- Last roles in CBMS: General Chair 2016 and 2018; Publicity Chair 2019; Publication Chair 2020 and 2021
- Bio:
Associate Professor in Information Systems at Karlstad University Sweden. Bridget has a background in medical science and management and a special interest in eHealth, healthcare work-processes, medical teamwork and Health IT. She holds PhD Computer Science (Trinity College Dublin) MSc Health Informatics (TCD), MSc Management (TCD), Fellow of IBMS and CSci.
Bridget’s current research is around the problems of Multidisciplinary Medical Team (MDT) decision-making and record-keeping approaches. Incorporating the patient’s perspective in the decision is also an active research interest through the NORDeHealth project, a Nordforsk funded project that is analysing practices with regard to Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records (PAEHR) in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia, see